The Batman

The 2022 film The Batman, directed by Matt Reeves and lensed by cinematographer Greig Fraser, presents a visually arresting portrayal of Gotham City. The film’s distinctive aesthetic is achieved through deliberate choices in lens selection, composition, and colour grading, all contributing to its gritty, noir-inspired atmosphere.

Lens Selection and ‘Dirtying’ the Frame

To evoke a raw and textured visual style, Fraser employed custom ARRI ALFA anamorphic lenses, inspired by 1970s-era optics. These lenses were intentionally detuned to introduce imperfections such as edge distortion and unique bokeh characteristics. Director Matt Reeves noted, “Those are some pretty messed up lenses… The edges of the frame were completely distorted, and sometimes the focus was on the weirdest part of the frame.” 

No Film School

This approach effectively ‘dirtied’ the frame, immersing viewers in Gotham’s grim environment.


Fraser’s composition techniques further enhance the film’s immersive quality. He often ‘dirtied up the frame’ by incorporating elements in the foreground or background, creating depth and a sense of unease. This method aligns with the film’s noir influences, drawing inspiration from classic 1970s cinema. Fraser and Reeves shared a mutual appreciation for this era, with Fraser stating, “We’re both very drawn to that visual language and fell back into that mode on The Batman.” 

4K Shooters

Colour Grading and Ethos

The film’s colour palette is dominated by deep blacks and muted tones, punctuated by vibrant reds and blues. This deliberate choice reflects Batman’s internal struggle and the overarching themes of vengeance and hope. Master colourist David Cole collaborated closely with Reeves and Fraser to achieve this look, ensuring that the grading complemented the narrative’s emotional depth. The use of practical lighting sources, such as streetlights and neon signs, adds authenticity and reinforces the film’s grounded ethos.

In summary, The Batman‘s cinematography is a testament to the power of intentional imperfection. Through the use of detuned lenses, thoughtful composition, and meticulous colour grading, the film crafts a visually compelling world that mirrors its complex narrative.

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